Why low oil prices may last

Why low oil prices may last

Oil prices are often volatile, but we see some longer term factors at work on both the supply side and the demand side of energy markets.

Market outlook remains positive

Market outlook remains positive

Despite the end of QE3 and other sources of risk, Putnam’s market outlook sees attractive potential in stocks and in our diverse fixed-income strategies.

Like the weather, the economy should warm up

Like the weather, the economy should warm up

The polar vortex that spread across great swaths of North America several times this past winter numbed economic data. One way to understand the impact of winter is to analyze heating degree days. These calculations measure the energy consumption required to heat buildings and appear on the monthly utility bills of many homeowners. Based on

International markets rouse from their slumber

International markets rouse from their slumber

The global economy is finding new engines of growth in the developed markets. U.K. policy mix has improved In the United Kingdom, we see a balance of fiscal retrenchment and stimulative monetary policy, which is lending support to key sectors such as financials. This has contributed to the momentum of the country’s overall recovery as