Putnam Perspectives

Clean energy: Myths, reality, and opportunities

Renewable energy, also known as “clean” energy, refers to energy derived from natural resources that are not exhaustible, such as wind and sunlight. It is an alternative to traditional energy that relies on fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and gas. We believe renewable energy offers attractive opportunities for investors, but its potential may be overshadowed by some myths.

Myth 1: Renewable energy is more expensive. A common belief is that costs are higher for renewable energy businesses than for those involved in conventional fossil-fuel-generated energy.

Many coal plants would find it cheaper to simply stop operations and build a renewable plant instead.

Myth 2: The costs are not comparable. Some believe it is unfair to compare the costs without considering the reliability of fossil fuels. Renewable power depends on the vagaries of wind and sun and is therefore less reliable than fossil-fuel energy sources.

Myth 3: Capex requirements are too high. Another view is that renewable energy installation is expensive, and there is not unlimited money to fund it.

Clean energy may be creating big winners

The European Green Deal and possible similar measures in the United States, especially under the Biden administration, are creating a big shift toward clean energy — wind, onshore and offshore, as well as solar.

As an early adopter of green policies, Europe has become home to many of the largest global renewable companies. Four of the top five, by revenue, are based in Europe: Iberdrola, Vestas, Siemens Gamesa, and Orsted. We believe these companies are poised to benefit significantly as the United States transitions to clean energy. Among the top 10 developers of clean energy in the United States, six are European companies, and European companies dominate pipelines for future growth.

As of 3/31/21, Orsted represented 1.70% of Putnam International Equity Fund assets. The fund did not hold Iberdrola, Vestas, or Siemens Gamesa.


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